Night Crows Leveling Tips: Swift Growth & Enhanced Capabilities

Delve into the world of Night Crows and unlock the secrets to swift progression and enhanced capabilities. Discover the pathways to exploration and advancement, along with methods to bolster your power for formidable adventures.

Exploration & Advancement:

  • Engage in diverse quests for expedited growth, including Main, Side, and Daily quests.
  • Customize your character’s stats through the Creed Inheritance system and class advancements.
  • Prioritize weapon proficiency enhancement and skill specialization to strengthen combat prowess.
  • Consider class changes carefully, as items and progress may be affected.

How to Get More Power:

  • Utilize Spell Infusion, collections, mounts, and weapon styles to enhance stats.
  • Craft and utilize Gliders to tailor your stats according to preferences.
  • Enhance and refine gear with Enhancement Scrolls and Refinement Stones for increased power.

As you embark on your journey in Night Crows, remember that each decision shapes your destiny. Embrace the challenges, hone your skills, and harness the methods to enhance your power. With dedication and strategic planning, you’ll rise as a formidable force in the realm of Night Crows. To upgrade Night Crows quickly, you need the help of mmoexp, we can provide cheap and safe Night Crows Diamonds service to make your upgrade faster and easier.

The Resurgence of Last Epoch’s Acid Flask: The Explosive Trap Build

Last Epoch, an action role-playing game, has been captivating players for years with its ever-evolving gameplay mechanics and character builds. However, among the plethora of skills available in the game, one had long languished in obscurity: Acid Flask. This seemingly underwhelming skill finally found its moment in the spotlight with the advent of the Explosive Trap build. In this article, we’ll delve into the history of Last Epoch, the journey of Acid Flask, and how it has become a cornerstone of the Explosive Trap build.

Unveiling the Explosive Trap Build:

The Explosive Trap build breathed new life into Acid Flask, transforming it from a derided skill into a powerhouse of destruction. Spearheaded by dedicated players like H2O, this build showcases the true potential of Acid Flask when coupled with strategic gameplay and synergistic mechanics. By leveraging the Falconer class and a meticulous approach to gear optimization, players can unleash devastating barrages of Acid Flasks upon their foes.

Understanding the Mechanics:

At the core of the Explosive Trap build lies the synergy between Acid Flask and the Falcon companion. Acid Flask, when combined with Explosive Trap, creates a cascade of explosive reactions, dealing immense damage to enemies in its wake. The Falcon, equipped with the proper nodes and gear, becomes a conduit for the continuous deployment of Acid Flasks, bolstering the player’s offensive capabilities while providing invaluable support through mana regeneration and potion management.

Navigating the Build:

Despite its potency, the Explosive Trap build requires finesse in execution. Players must master the art of positioning, timing, and resource management to maximize its effectiveness. From carefully placing traps to coordinating Falcon attacks, every action contributes to the seamless flow of destruction unleashed upon adversaries. Additionally, strategic investments in gear, such as mana regeneration and critical strike modifiers, further enhance the build’s prowess, paving the way for even greater feats of devastation.

Challenges and Adaptations:

While formidable in its current state, the Explosive Trap build is not without its challenges. Players must contend with balancing offensive capabilities with survivability, as the build’s reliance on mana-intensive skills leaves little room for error. Moreover, acquiring optimal gear, including rare uniques like Jungle Queen’s Belt, presents a formidable hurdle for those seeking to fully realize the build’s potential. However, with perseverance and ingenuity, players can overcome these obstacles and ascend to new heights of power.

Evolution and Optimization:

As players continue to refine the Explosive Trap build, new avenues for optimization and innovation emerge. From experimenting with unique combinations of gear to exploring alternative skill trees, the build’s evolution knows no bounds. Whether it’s integrating new mechanics or fine-tuning existing strategies, the journey toward mastering the Explosive Trap build is an ongoing odyssey fueled by creativity and experimentation.


In the ever-expanding world of Last Epoch, the Explosive Trap build stands as a testament to the game’s depth and complexity. What began as a humble skill marred by ridicule has blossomed into a force to be reckoned with, thanks to the dedication and ingenuity of players like H2O. As Acid Flask finds its place among the pantheon of iconic abilities in Last Epoch, the Explosive Trap build serves as a shining example of the game’s boundless potential for creativity and discovery.

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Setting Sail for Improvements: Enhancing Skull and Bones

As an avid player who has been immersed in the world of Skull and Bones since the open beta, I’ve compiled a list of suggestions for potential improvements. While I thoroughly enjoy the game, I believe these enhancements could elevate the experience for all players. Here are my thoughts:

1, In-Combat Po8 Collection: Implement a feature to allow players to collect Pieces of Eight (Po8) while engaged in combat. This quality-of-life improvement would streamline gameplay and enhance the overall experience.

2, Notifications Overhaul: Revamp notifications to be smaller in size and less intrusive. Positioning them to the top right or integrating them with the loot list interface could reduce clutter and improve visibility during gameplay.

3, Batch Open Silver Chests/Bags: Enable players to open multiple silver chests or bags simultaneously, enhancing efficiency and convenience. Additionally, introduce a “Fund All” button for helm-related expenses to streamline resource management.

4, Ensure Rewarding Ship Encounters: Ensure that all ships yield worthwhile loot, discouraging encounters with ships that offer minimal rewards. Adding SnB silver and additional ammunition to these encounters would make them more engaging for players.

5, Embrace Fantasy Elements: Embrace fantasy elements such as mythical creatures, ghosts, and underwater beings to add variety and excitement to the game world. Introducing fantastical adversaries like giant crabs or sea monsters could enhance the pirate experience.

6, Expand PvP Options: Introduce additional ways for players to engage in PvP encounters, such as spontaneous duels or queue-based battles in designated arenas. Providing players with more opportunities for PvP combat would add depth to the gameplay experience.

7, Refine Wind Mechanics: Refine the wind mechanics to ensure a more realistic and intuitive sailing experience. Consider removing penalties for sailing against the wind while maintaining speed boosts when sailing with it.

8, Multi-Marker Route Planning: Allow players to plan sailing routes with multiple markers, providing a more immersive navigation experience. Widening the range for reaching destinations and adding subtle wind animations could further enhance navigation.

9, Wind Marker Accuracy: Address any inaccuracies with the wind marker on the ship to ensure it correctly indicates wind direction. Improving this feature would enhance navigation and overall gameplay.

10, Streamlined Boarding Mechanics: Streamline boarding mechanics to make them more seamless and immersive. Consider replacing cutscenes with animations and automating the process of obtaining loot from boarded ships to improve efficiency.

11, Enhanced Ship Damage Effects: Add visual effects to depict crew members being thrown when ships sustain damage. This small touch would add realism and humor to naval battles, enhancing the overall experience.

12, Introduce Resource Sinks: Implement mechanisms for players to expend excess crafting materials, such as furniture upgrades, weapon enhancements, or convoy missions for silver acquisition. These resource sinks would add depth to the economy and gameplay progression.

13, Personal Hideout: Provide players with the ability to establish their own hideout, complete with crafting stations and customizable decorations. This feature would offer players a personal space to unwind and showcase their achievements.

These suggestions aim to enhance various aspects of Skull and Bones, from gameplay mechanics to immersive world-building. By considering and implementing these improvements, the game could reach new heights of enjoyment and engagement for players. Let’s progress together, loot more Skull and Bones Items and riches, and conquer the sea.

Myth of Empires: Essential Tips for Success

As we delve deeper into this captivating world, it’s crucial to arm ourselves with knowledge and strategy to navigate its challenges successfully. In this guide, we’ll explore key tips and insights to aid your progression in the game. From understanding XP gain mechanics to mastering crafting and combat, let’s dive into the essential strategies for conquering Myth of Empires.

Decoding XP Gain Mechanics:

One of the fundamental aspects of Myth of Empires that often perplex newcomers is the mechanism behind XP gain. Contrary to popular belief, XP isn’t solely tied to the time spent performing activities but rather to the quantity of resources collected. Whether you’re harvesting branches or mining ores, the more you gather, the higher your XP yield. This crucial insight emphasizes the importance of efficiency in resource collection, as it directly correlates with your character’s progression.

Embrace PvP Servers for Accelerated Growth:

For those daring adventurers seeking rapid advancement, PvP servers offer a tempting proposition. Despite the inherent risks of player encounters and base raids, the allure lies in the increased drop rates of resources. By braving the dangers of PvP servers, you stand to gain significantly higher XP rewards and MoE Copper Coins, propelling your journey toward mastery at an accelerated pace. The calculated risk of PvP servers often yields rewarding experiences and valuable lessons in survival.

Harnessing the Skills Tree:

Within Myth of Empires lies a diverse array of skills and proficiencies awaiting mastery. Whether it’s mining, combat, or crafting, each skill advances through consistent usage. However, the strategic allocation of expertise points plays a pivotal role in expediting your progression. By prioritizing proficiency boosts and unlocking skill nodes, you can optimize your character’s development trajectory. Additionally, investing in skill advancement beyond the 450-point threshold unlocks new opportunities for specialization, albeit at a cost.

Efficient Weapon Proficiency Leveling:

Unraveling the mysteries of weapon proficiency leveling unveils a nuanced approach to character development. Unlike traditional combat systems, Myth of Empires rewards skill progression through actions rather than successful hits. Whether it’s firing ranged weapons or engaging in melee combat, the act itself contributes to proficiency growth. By employing unconventional methods such as target practice or sparing with captured NPCs, you can swiftly elevate your combat prowess without relying solely on confrontations with adversaries.

Leverage Boosters for Expedited Growth:

In the pursuit of efficiency, avid adventurers turn to boosters to amplify their progression rate. By investing in proficiency boosters at guild boundary markers, players unlock an accelerated path to mastery. While the upfront cost may seem daunting, the substantial increase in proficiency leveling justifies the expenditure. Coupled with the strategic allocation of expertise points, boosters serve as catalysts for rapid skill development, propelling you closer to dominance in the realm of Myth of Empires.

Capitalize on Daily Allocations and Resource Management:

Efficient resource management forms the cornerstone of sustainable progression in Myth of Empires. By capitalizing on daily allocation limits and understanding the value proposition of different commodities, players can maximize their earnings at boundary markers. Whether it’s selling surplus materials or prioritizing high-value items, strategic decision-making ensures optimal resource utilization and financial stability.

Navigate Wildlife Encounters with Caution:

The untamed wilderness of Myth of Empires teems with formidable adversaries, from bears to wolves and tigers. Understanding their behavior and employing effective evasion tactics are paramount to survival. While wolves can be outmaneuvered with agile footwork, bears and tigers demand a more strategic approach. Utilizing environmental elements such as rivers to deter pursuit or employing mounted escape strategies can tip the scales in your favor during harrowing encounters.

Optimize Crafting Bench Utilization:

Crafting benches serve as invaluable tools for character progression, offering opportunities for both resource refinement and skill advancement. However, the key to reaping their benefits lies in active engagement. Simply initiating crafting processes isn’t sufficient; players must actively man the benches to accrue XP and proficiency gains. By adhering to this principle, crafters ensure consistent skill development and unlock the full potential of their crafting prowess.


As we conclude our journey through the realm of Myth of Empires, armed with newfound knowledge and strategies, the path to mastery beckons. From deciphering XP gain mechanics to honing combat skills and embracing risk for greater rewards, each facet of the game offers opportunities for growth and triumph. By implementing the tips outlined in this guide and embracing the spirit of adventure, you’re poised to carve your legacy in the annals of Myth of Empires.

For more guides and all the latest news about Myth of Empires, check out MMOexp. You can also enjoy buying Myth of Empires Copper Coins service here.

The Royal Custodian Armor in Skull and Bones

In the treacherous waters of Skull and Bones, where every ship is a potential adversary and survival hinges on strategic prowess and formidable armament, securing the right gear can make all the difference between victory and defeat. Among the myriad pieces of equipment available to intrepid sailors, the Royal Custodian Armor stands out as a coveted prize, offering unparalleled protection and resilience against the perils of the high seas.

A Quest for Power

Embarking on the journey to obtain the Royal Custodian Armor is not for the faint of heart, yet with determination and skill, it is an achievable feat. The quest begins in the eastern reaches of St. An, where a small island harbors the settlement of Lur Bass Tide. It is here that rumors of a legendary armor piece, the Royal Custodian, first surface, igniting the ambitions of daring sailors seeking to bolster their ship’s defenses.

The Colonial Shipment: A Golden Opportunity

The key to obtaining the Royal Custodian Armor lies in seizing control of the Colonial Shipment, a Skull and Bones silver lucrative event that periodically graces the waters northeast of Lur Bass Tide. As a rank seven merchant convoy, it presents a formidable challenge, demanding a sturdy vessel and a crew seasoned in the art of naval combat. However, the rewards far outweigh the risks, as within the confines of the convoy’s defenses lies the potential to claim the coveted armor piece.

Mastering the Convoy Assault

Engaging the Colonial Shipment is a multifaceted endeavor that requires careful planning and decisive action. Upon encountering the convoy, comprised of several formidable vessels, including three main ships flanked by additional defenders, sailors must devise a strategy to overcome the enemy’s defenses. While the primary ships may appear imposing, with their ostensible firepower, they primarily focus on mutual support and healing, presenting an opportunity for savvy captains to exploit.

The Fortuitous Prize: Royal Custodian Armor

Through cunning maneuvering and skilled combat, daring sailors may succeed in boarding one of the convoy’s ships, thereby gaining access to its coveted cargo. Among the spoils that may be secured, none are more esteemed than the Royal Custodian Armor, a purple gear piece boasting a formidable rating of 400. Its protective qualities are unrivaled, with an armor value of 1150 and significant damage mitigation across various threats, including explosive, flooding, fire, and piercing damage.

Unveiling the Perk: Refortify

What truly sets the Royal Custodian Armor apart is its unique perk, Refortify, which enhances the wearer’s defenses by applying the Fortified effect for 12 seconds following the use of a repair kit. This additional layer of protection, bolstered by a 35% increase in armor, ensures that sailors equipped with the Royal Custodian Armor are nigh untouchable in the heat of battle. Whether weathering the onslaught of enemy cannons or navigating treacherous waters fraught with danger, this armor proves indispensable to any seafaring captain.

Conclusion: A Triumph on the High Seas

In the ever-shifting tides of Skull and Bones, where danger lurks at every turn, securing the Royal Custodian Armor stands as a testament to a sailor’s skill, determination, and mastery of the seas. With its formidable protection and unparalleled perks, this legendary gear piece ensures that those who possess it reign supreme upon the waves. Aspiring captains would do well to heed the call of adventure, setting sail in pursuit of glory and the coveted Royal Custodian Armor that awaits those bold enough to seize it.

In the unforgiving world of Skull and Bones, where only the strongest survive, the Royal Custodian Armor stands as a beacon of strength and resilience, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who dare to conquer the high seas.