How and Where to Train on Runescape as a Non-Member

Have you ever seen a level 55 ranger enter bounty hunter and hit rapid 15s? With 80 ranged, my account is one of them, and in this guide, I will teach you to make your own BH God in only 9 simple steps.

Step 1 – A God is Born

Make a new account on tutorial island, NOT RAISING ANY SKILLS/STATS on it.

This ensures that you get minimum hitpoints experience, thereby making an account with a lower level with higher ranged. Ensure that your account has a name that instills fear in the hearts of other pkers. One of my accounts, for example, is called “arrow2u head”.

Step 2 – The investment

Buy at least 500 iron arrows and Oak, Willow and Maple Shortbows from the Grand Exchange. If you want your stats to look cool, i.e., having every stat at level 1 except hitpoints and ranged, money for this can be gained by running air runes on world 16 or borrowing some from a friend. If this really does not matter to you, fishing/cooking and woodcutting are easy ways to make money fast.

Step 3 – Fried chicken anyone?

Take your account with bows and arrows to the chickens at Lumbridge. There you should kill chickens until you are level 10 ranged. The feathers should be picked up in case you decide to raise fishing level or you can sell them for money/arrows later. Be sure to equip the various bows at the first chance you get

Step 4 – “Why are you killing my cows?!”

Head over to the cows which provide a little more experience than chickens. Here you should train until level 20 ranged, at which point you can buy and wear studded chaps. These provide a small ranged bonus as well as some defence. The cowhides should be taken up and stored in your bank since they can sell for 100+ gp each, making more money for use later on.

Step 5 – The God kills the Holy Ones

From here, go on to monks, found just west of Edgeville. This is one of the ideal training areas since the monks give you a lot more experience since they heal themselves, yet they only hit little damage to you. Another advantage of this area is that you can actually get the monks to heal you when you lose life and so there is no need for food! Train here until 30 – 40 ranged, at which point it might start getting a bit tedious.

Step 6 – Dragonhide! And a whole lotta arrows!

Go out and buy Green Dragonhide chaps and vambraces. If you did not buy a power amulet before, do so now. Now it is time to start gaining lots of iron arrows for bounty hunter usage. Head down into the stronghold of security and start training on minotaurs. There are two areas suited for ranging, one at the low level minotaurs (level 12) and another at the high level ones (level 27) (areas shown below). Train at whichever ones you want, since they both drop the same items. I personally find that training at low level minotaurs are better since you get more arrows because they only have 10 hp and you will kill more in the sam space of time.

Train here until you have about 10k iron arrows. This may sound like a lot but for every 3 minotaurs you kill you usually get 7 – 14 iron arrows.

You can continue training here even after until you are level 45 – 50

Step 7 – The bigger they are, the harder they fall!

At 50 ranged, you can tackle hill giants. Buy/locate a brass key and head down into the lair of the hill giants, found just between barbarian village and Varrock. To train here you will need a lot of food. There is a good spot to range from to the back of the cave( behind stalagmites shown below), and even though it is usually crowded, a concentrating person can always get the giant first. Pick up the things they drop (limpwurt roots and big bones especially) if you want to sell them later for a lot of cash.

Train here until at least 60 ranged, at which point you can go to one of the most frightening creatures on F2p worlds, the Lesser Demons.

Step 8 – Demons from Hell

Make sure you take a lobster pot (if you have level 40+ fishing), some teleport runes (if you have 25 magic), a lot of iron arrows (about 2k) and your usual armor (green Dragonhide chaps and vambraces, power amulet and whatever you decide to wear as a top and helm). If you don’t have 40 fishing or cooking, try to get a friend to go to karamja and fish lobsters for you when you need, or you can take cash to buy from players there. If you don’t have 25 magic to teleport, ensure that your hp does not go under 20 when you run out of food so that you will have enough time to go get some or run away and out of the crater.

You should train here until you achieve your range goal level since this is the best area to do so.

N.B. A good investment will be to upgrade your gravestone in the Lumbridge church to the one that lasts 4 minutes, simply because if you die in karamja, you will have enough time to get back and retrieve your items.

Step 9 – Establish yourself as the Bounty Hunter God

After all your hard work and efforts you have finally achieved the status you wanted. Take your character to the bounty hunter cave and wreak havoc on all those who dare challenge you! With high ranged and fast reaction times, you will get a lot of kills with your character. In another one of my guides, I will detail some tips and tricks for bounty hunter pking. Until then, good luck and happy pking!

With my level 50 ranger so far I have pked 17 rune scimitars, 1 set of full rune, 3 adamant sets, 3 rune battleaxes, countless arrows, 26 pure sets and at least 18 power amulets and 26 strength amulets!

Hope you enjoyed this guide!

Coping with Virtual Addictions

I woke up late in the afternoon to the sounds of swords clanging and cries of pain echoing throughout the basement. Feeling the effects of my sleep-induced stupor, I staggered across my dark bedroom and into the area of the basement my friends dubbed “Nerdtropolis.” To the left were two glowing computer screens; a zombified corpse occupied each screen. I stumbled over someone’s mattress on the floor as I tried to make my way to the shower. I then carefully stepped around a computer table set up in front of the washing machine that had a stack of pizza boxes piled up next to it. Further down, just to the right of the bathroom door, was the last segment of the cancer zone that we had created. It, too, contained several glowing monitors and devices.

To some, the scenery described above could be regarded as a typical afternoon following a large party. The truth of the matter is, none of the individuals in the story had drunk any alcohol. In fact, aside from attending class, none of them left the confines of the basement for at least a week. This scenario comprises another day in the life of a World of Warcraft player.

World of Warcraft (WoW) managed to earn itself a place as one of the most talked about video games in history. Friends, family and co-workers are exposed to many stories about the game. Whether it be addiction, people meeting others of similar interest, or just facts about what the game is, information about WoW can be found everywhere.

For the uninitiated, World of Warcraft is a massively multi-player online role-playing game or MMORPG. Players create a character that best represents their personality from a large selection of races and physical traits. Once this character has been formed, the player then guides it into a virtual world. More than 8 million subscribers around the globe inhabit this world, and the number continues to grow. Last January, Blizzard released the game’s first expansion pack to retail stores; companies create expansion packs to add supplemental material to their games. The Burning Crusade, the title for WoW’s first expansion, continues to augment the popularity of the game after having sold 2.4 million copies its first day.

“They’re geniuses,” says Charlie Waters with a laugh. Waters does not play the game himself, but lives with two roommates that do. “These people know how to make some money.”

The MMORPG genre defines itself by the concept of a game that does not end. Players occupy their time with simple quests given to them by NPCs or non-player characters. These tasks serve to earn virtual currency within the game and raise the player’s level from one all the way to its current cap of 70. This level measures the player’s strength and determines what the player can do within the game.

Once the character finally reaches level 70, he or she can only advance by obtaining items that are superior to the ones that the player may already have. Individuals do this by joining a group of 25 in what is known as a raid group. This raid group works together to do things such as instances, which are essentially obstacle courses that require a large investment of time to tackle. Players often become addicted at this point.

Many people hear of drug and gambling addictions. Few, however, familiarize themselves with people being addicted to an online game. World of Warcraft addiction blossomed into such a real concept, there now exist Websites dedicated to the very topic. Matthew Schaefer, a current player of WoW, knows what it feels like to have been addicted to the game.

“Well, if you get to the point where you are spending several hours playing the game every single day, seven days a week,” Schaefer said, “I suppose you could probably consider yourself an addict.”

The problem of people getting addicted to World of Warcraft can be attributed to the design of the game. Player advancement is awarded by investing time into WoW. However, since new content is always being added, you can never truly “beat” the game. You will always have something to earn in the game that requires a large amount of your time, and the rewards that were gained previously will become obsolete by the time new content is released.

Despite the horror stories that exist, not all aspects of World of Warcraft are negative. There have been countless stories of people meeting their significant others and best friends through this game. Many regard it as a great way to have fun with their friends and family online, since they don’t need to be close in proximity to play together. Ryan Rose, a former WoW player, knows why the game is such a draw for millions of people.

“Part of the reason is, it is a fun escape,” Rose said, “especially when you have people to escape with, like friends to play with online.” Since the game emphasizes groups so much, there are exercises in teamwork that it encourages. There is nothing more exciting for a player than to be a part of a raid group that works together in unison to accomplish a mutual goal.

Like all things in life, World of Warcraft can be a fun and beneficial experience when taken in small doses. There are many WoW players out there who are not addicted and lead similar lives to those that don’t play. They simply share a different method of using up their free time.

World of Warcraft, despite being a very phenomenon, has found its way to the forefront of news and popular culture. Many people still do not know what WoW is, or why people would risk addiction to play, but it is a topic that will be discussed for years to come. Perhaps even you will find yourself listening to stories from your friends and family about their world… of Warcraft.

World of Warcraft Patch 2.3.2.: What You Should Know

One of the most popular online games is World of Warcraft, giving thousands of users a virtual world to play and battle in. But as with any computer software program upgrades and patches are constantly needed to enhance the experience and to create a better playing environment. The newest patch, 2.3.2. has just been released and if you’re a World of Warcraft player, you need to know what’s changed and how it affects you as a player. So let’s take a look at what the new patch delivers to your online gaming experience!

First, let’s find out what got fixed in the way of game bugs – errors that either just annoy the player or can crash the game.

One of the most irritating bugs consisted of having all sound disabled in the game when you unplugged your headphones or speakers during the game and then plugged them back in for some reason. That, thankfully, has been fixed. As well, disconnecting your USB headset won’t cause a conflict with the voice chat menus and allow you to keep communication with your friends.

Other bugs fixed included avoiding have the server disconnect when you moved the mouse over the recipes when in the guild bank along with the ability to own up to five Paper Flying Machines in one stack.

Many items have had their status changed. And you can now purchase the Vengeful Gladiator’s Grimoire from vendors!

Some of the Dungeons and Raids have been tweaked slightly to change the number of attackers and the sequence of certain tasks.

For you crafting characters, there have been changes there as well. Under Enchanting you now need a Runed Fel Iron Rod to Enchant Shield – Resilience instead of the Runed Adamantite Rod you needed before. Cooking characters can now relearn the recipe for Goldthorn Tea for free from Henry Stern in Razorfen Downs if they had the knowledge stripped from their character previously.

The list of changes for Rogues, Warriors and so on are too long to list here, but be sure to check out the information and see how it applies to your character. For example, the Shaman has had the mana cost reduced to cast Lightning Shield. For Rogues using Ambush the damage multiplier has increased from 250% to 275% – making them just that much deadlier! And for the Paladin, Righteous Fury has become a much more affordable spell!

For those of you already playing World of Warcraft Patch 2.3.2 will certainly enhance the gaming experience and for those of you who haven’t tried this fast-paced, entertaining game – what are you waiting for? Get online with thousands of gamers and discover the fantastic World of Warcraft!